Our hands are full, but you should see our hearts!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Induction Day

Today was supposed to be the day of my induction and Jack would still have been a week early. Can you imagine how big my little 8 lbs. 6 oz. chubbabub would have been had he gone full term?!?

We went to the pediatrician yesterday for Jack's first well baby visit. Dr. Motz said he looked perfect (of course he does!) and Jack has put back on all the weight he lost after birth plus one more ounce so I feel better knowing that I'm capable of nourishing him. He has to go back to the hospital in about a month for an ultrasound on his hips to make sure they look okay. Just standard procedure for all breech babies. He also goes to the opthamologist in about three weeks so they can make sure his iris cyst has gone away. For a healthy baby, he sure has to go to the doctor alot!

The nights have been a little rough for all of us. Jack likes to sleep until about 1 and then stay awake until about 5. Andy and I tag team it, so it hasn't been awful. Last night was slightly better than the one before, so hopefully they will keep getting better.


Anonymous said...


Jack looks great! Love the one eye open peek!

Anonymous said...

Glad everything is going well and that Jack is so healthy!


Dale and Gail said...

Yup, he's still CUTE!

Katie said...

Thanks for the pictures and the update. He is a beautiful...'er stappingly handsome baby boy!