Our hands are full, but you should see our hearts!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Pink or Blue?

We had our big ultrasound yesterday. The ultrasound went very smoothly. Baby was very wiggly and had his or her arms up around his or her head on my left side with feet lodged in Mommy's bladder. That didn't make the full bladder thing any more comfortable!

Most importantly, Baby is very healthy and measuring about two days ahead of schedule. Our due date is still January 24 and we have no reason to believe that I will not go full term. God truly answered prayer by making my placenta be where it should be. Hearing that good news was obviously a huge relief since we were very prepared to have placenta previa, again.

So, the ultrasound guy wrote down what we are having and sealed it in an envelope for us. As is our tradition, we took it outside to the parking lot and Andy ripped that sucker open. I have opened them in the past and then told Andy what we are having. This time, we looked together.

We are happy to announce that we are having a beautiful, healthy, little....

Little Miss Natalie Renee should arrive in mid January to meet her very excited big brother and big sister!


H. said...

Time to change the Ticker Title from Baby #3 to Natalie!!! (because I know you have SO much time on your hands) ;-)

BabyWolfe said...

Yeah, Baby Girl!!!